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    365bet用网址代谢与神经精神疾病研究所于2012年8月由“泰山学者” 特聘专家路新云教授组建成立。2013年12月获批山东省医药卫生神经精神药理重点实验室。研究所以神经精神疾病与代谢疾病的基础与临床、情绪认知障碍的神经环路结构和功能异常、以及神经保护、重塑与再生为主要研究方向。研究所拥有独立的转基因动物繁育设施和SPF动物房,具备从整体动物到组织、细胞和分子水平的研究平台和技术力量,建立了神经精神行为、分子神经解剖、神经电生理、神经化学及细胞分子生物学实验室。同时研究所整合心理门诊和记忆门诊的临床资源,将基础研究与临床研究相结合,促进基础研究成果向临床应用转化。

The Institute for Metabolic and Neuropsychiatric Disorders (IMND) at Binzhou Medical University was established in August 2012 by Dr. Xin-Yun Lu, the Distinguished Overseas Professor of Taishan Scholar of Shandong Province. The Institute was awarded the Key Laboratory of Neuropharmacology in December 2013 by Shandong Provincial Department of Health. The research activities at IMND involve basic and clinic studies of metabolic and neuropsychiatric disorders, identifying neural circuits sensitive to metabolic signals, defining their roles in neuroprotection, neurogenesis and neuroplasticity, and exploring novel mechanisms underlying depression, anxiety and memory dysfunction or loss. IMND has independent SPF mouse housing, breeding and behavioral testing cores, possesses cellular and molecular research platforms and well-equipped neuroanatomical, neurochemical and electrophysiology laboratories. The Institute also integrates the Psychiatric Clinic and Memory Disorders Clinic resources, combines the basic and clinical research and promotes translation of basic research to clinical application.


